Saturday, March 8, 2008

New Book...

So is anyone besides Frank and me reading this book? There haven't been any posts in a while, which has dramatically decreased my delusional perception that I have an active social life. Even if you aren't reading, what are you up to? How is everyone?!?!

The book IS very good. The intro is designed to scare you, and it does that very well. I don't really like the attitude of the author. He comes across as a bit cocky. Though he may very well have accurately predicted some major world events, I feel as though he is reminding me of that throughout the book. Let's not forget that even Tom Clancy predicted a highjacked airplane being used as a terrorist missile. The end of his book "Debt of Honor" depicts a terrorist attack on the Capitol via a highjacked airplane. "Debt of Honor" was written in 1994! I will concede that the author is extremely knowledgeable, and he is uncannily able to evaluate current events and then predict what will happen. I just don't like the way in which he reminds of that ability. the book. It's good, it's informative, and you'll walk away with new perceptions on what is really going on in the Middle East.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Initial Thoughts

Epicenter is intense. My first feeling is how fragile everything really is. The fact that a great majority of the world isn't in the middle of war is incredible. And before anyone comes on and says that everyone is involved in war, I don't see countries like China r India fighting a war right now. Even the US is fighting on the road, the vast majority of Americans aren't directly effected by the war. That is thanks to people like Smurf who are willing to go fight for our country while a knucklehead like me reads books and watches House.

Rosenburg has been surprisingly accurate. You can't dispute that. Obviously there will be much said about how he has come to all the conclusions he has. I'm eight chapters in and he talks about looking through the world in three lenses. The first lens, political. The second, economical. And the third, Scriptural. I personally believe the Bible is an inspired book and that prophecies contained in it will eventually come to pass. I haven't studied the prophecies concerning the end of the world enough to be an expert like Rosenburg seems to be. I usually try to follow the teachings on what you should become as a person, rather than what chain of events will happen. I do think that a lot of the leaders of the world use religion as a basis of the choices they make, so understanding their religions seems vitally important to interpreting what decisions they will make.

Iran scares the crap out of me. The more I read about Russia, the more I'm worried, but something makes me think they have some reservation. The book paints the picture that they are helping Iran develop nuclear technology, but with the understanding that Iran won't develop the bomb. I sort of see them agreeing to that until they are self-sufficient enough to kick Russia out of the picture and then do whatever they want with the infrastructure Russia was nice enough to build for them. Iran doesn't seem to have any reservation about going any distance. I could see them launching a nuke over here just because they felt like it. And Ahmadinejad sounds like he is ready to personally usher in the end of the world. I agree with the book that his threats to Israel are just a way to get us involved.

This seems like an important book. I'm glad we're reading it. It's good to know what the other guy is thinking.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Update and Vacations

I am still reading the first book and I have been slow to finish it. These past two months I have played way too much and now it is time to read a little more. I just get so tired at night that I haven't had much time to read. Last night I sat down on my couch when I got home from my date and I didn't wake up until noon today! Anyways, I was wondering if you guys wanted to plan any vacations this summer or boating trips or camping or anything? Let me know some schedules and ideas and lets get some stuff planned!