Sunday, August 3, 2008

Good Book

I enjoyed The Alchemist. I think the thing that I liked the most was the character Santiago. I thought he was extremely intelligent and thoughtful. Throughout the book I liked how he was so perceptive and caught onto things. I especially liked how he picked up on unspoken cues, the language of the universe, and acted on them.

To me the whole book seemed to symbolize life for most people. Santiago thought he had it all planned out but then another opportunity came up and he was wise enough to follow through with it. Most people aren't. I'm not sure if my life is following my personal legend or that I believe such things have been concretely ordained. I guess I need to watch the omens a bit more carefully! In the end though, his life became much more than he imagined it to be.

I thought it was clever that he ended up back in Andalusia. The story is obviously showing that the journey was just as important as the destination. It's good to be reminded about such eternal truths.

I can get behind Ben's suggestion and Nick's vote of The Book of Daniel despite Nick's obvious bias! As if we haven't had enough Russian themes in the previous books we've read (Epicenter and Asher Lev)! Just kidding. I read a small summary and it does sound good. I'll look forward to it!

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