Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hurricanes and Midterms...

I'm glad people enjoyed The Alchemist. It's an easy read that seems to bring things into focus. A little self-meditation is good for everyone.

For those of you who were worried about me surviving Tropical Storm Eduardo...scratch that, did any of you even know that Eduardo was a big deal down here? I even called Dave when his entire state was underwater, but does he make any attempt at checking up on me when the hurricane is about to hit? Actually, the whole thing was way overblown. We were worried for awhile...gas stations were out of gas, people were fist-fighting over water bottles and beer at the grocery store, and in the end it was just a bad rain storm.

As if the possibility of a hurricane wasn't enough, I have been dealing with midterms all week. I'm heading out now to buy The Book of Daniel and I'm putting all studying behind me this week, so I can read what I want!

Congrats to Ben on the move to Colorado...maybe Hillary and I will see more of you now (her family is there). From what I understand, the further south you get, the better lawyer you are. Soon enough, you'll be down here by us!

I'm also gearing up for the olympics...

The Beijing Olympics: Are They A Trap?

...notice my favorite guy from the Sonic commercials! "What else did your body tell you to do? Did your body tell you to wear that sweater today?"

1 comment:

Ben said...

I did think about you guys when I first heard of the Eduardo news. I'm about to expose my ignorance of medical school but why do you have mid-terms in summer? I thought you'd be interning or researching or something. Thanks for the congrats. I pretty much killed myself for grades good enough to transfer and we both were very excited when it payed off. Get yourself up to Colorado and we'll get Rocky Mountain high or something... or not, whatever.

What would we do without the Onion? Have you seen the one about the recent supreme court decisions? "Less strictly Constitutional, more strictly awesome"