Friday, March 21, 2008


Hey Guys,
Sorry I haven tbeen posting in a while. I have been out of the country for the last few weeks and now I am trying to get my house packed up and ready to move out. Deidra and I will be heading up to Washington on the 1st of April to look for a place to live and then to Utah for about a week. Whoever is in town, we should all plan out a time to get together.
Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying the book after you get past the authors huge head. Its just nice to keep current on what the world state is. Unfortunatly, my work keeps my envolved more then I would sometimes like.

1 comment:

Frank said...

Talk to us a little bit about how plausible this book is from a military standpoint, if you can. You obviously see a lot more behind the scenes information than we do and probably understand the threat levels. So far this book has come out really hard about Russia and Iran. Is there much you know about whether those two are actually scheming together? What about Israel? Are they in more danger currently than they have been in the past?